
Kingdom Hearts: Woody Woodpecker Version Chap:44.2

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Literature Text

Chap 44, Part 2


Woody couldn't believe what happened before him once more. He had always considered Porky and Slam to be one of his closest friends. Knothead and Splinter were also shocked at seeing two more of their new friends leaving them. But Woody said nothing. Though he still had Knothead and Splinter, he never felt more alone. He lost his friends: Jet, Wave, Storm, Daffy, Porky, Slam, and most importantly, Winnie.

“Uncle Woody, are you going to be okay?” Splinter asked in concern in seeing her uncle taking this hard.

“I don't think he is!” Knothead stated from noticing Woody's gloom expression before adding this in. “He’s hurt really badly?” The little woodpecker stated in seeing how much Woody was taking this 'losing the KeyBlade' thing?

“It doesn’t matter.” Woody said in a hollowed voice that only his close niece and nephew could hear. “Let’s just get out of here, kids. There’s no reason for us to be here anymore?” Woody spoke with such a hollowed emotion in his voice, it sounded really sad filled with much grief and sorrow,

The little woodpecker children had never seen their uncle Woody 'this' depressed before. Woody slowly stood up with a hopeless expression on his face. He turned back to the direction towards the ship, wondering how the others like Penny, Sylvester & Tweety would take this news? Even more so, would they side with those that have left him too?

Just when he was about to head off, he felt a slap on his back! “SLAP!”

“Oww!” Woody felt that which made him yelped out a cry, but it knocked him towards the ground. After getting up and looking around, he said in confusion. “What the! Where did that come from?” Woody see's there are no one around here, everyone but his niece and nephew are with him, so who slapped him?

“Snap outta it and Shape up, Woodpecker!” Woody along with his niece and nephew stared at something? "FRissivhmm…." Then they all saw a glow appeared before them, and it turned out to be the MASK himself, as he started talking like he was discipling someone, namely Woody! “Just cause you failed to limbo under the pole, doesn't mean you should give it up!” The MASK was sounding pretty much like a drill sergeant scolding a soldier for giving up without much of a fight.

“MASK! But how you? I didn't…?” Woody tried asking how one of his summons came to be here, but got cut off suddenly?

"FRissisivhmm….." Then something glowed on Woody's neck, it turned out to be Dojo, as he spoke up. “I know I've said it before, and I'm tried of always saying it, but the MASK is right, kid! Please excuse the kid part, but you should understand where I'm going, right?” Dojo gave a little elbow on the woodpecker's neck before slithering off in actually siding with the MASK on this discussion up to debate.

“Dojo? You two! How'd you guys…?” Woody was going to asked, but once again was cut off suddenly?

"FRissisivhhmm…." But then another glowed distracted Woody, as the familiar Freelance Police Duo, Sam and Max appeared!

“We came out, thanks to that nice little girl! She helped make it possible for us not to be stuck in those things when you don't call?” Sam stated about noting the fact that thanks to Penny's work, they have the ability to come out on their own.

“Yeah! And it's always strange that we get help from little girl scientist when the much older science nerds are practically useless?” Max stated even more in recalling how litle girl genius seem more helpful by the Freelance Police's knowledge then most of the older science dudes?

"Frisisuvhmmm….." Soon another bright light appeared which Bonkers and Fallapart showed up!

“You can't just call it quits Woody, think about all the great things you've accomplish!” Bonkers exclaimed while waving his arms around to have Woody not call it quits now.

“Like saving lives, inspiring dreams, and running for president!” Fallapart stated before he did a think over and said in confusion. “Now wait, that was George Washington?” Yep, the rabbit got another subject mixed up by mistake here?

"FRisisiivhmm…." Then an even brighter flash appeared, and stood forth the Barbarian family members!

“Woody, I know this is a shocker coming from me!” Dave advised to his woodpecker friend on something he has to say

“From you David, what's not to be shocked about?” Lula insulted in remarking what Dave would say isn't shocking enough to haven't been heard?

Dave heard it, but tried to get back to what he was saying to Woody. “Right, right! The point is, that even though I've been more of a coward, a wimp, a more pathetic Barbarian in the history of Barbarian culture!” This guy was making quote the declaring of his failures, even showing no shame in describing about it.

“Wowh! Dave actually admitting his faults, now THAT'S something new?” Oswidge stated in shock to see his scary nephew admit this.

“I'll say they are?” Candy concluded with her uncle on that part about what Dave's doing.

“But that doesn't mean that I've still havn't tried to use the things that I DO have!” Dave proclaimed out with a serious face before going into detail. “Yes, I have my big, muscle strength, and yes, I have an enchanted sword, but I've other talents that helped us in our battles!" The big barbarian was saying that even with his natural talents that came as a blessing, he has other ways too. "My cooking, my knitting, my bird calls, my origami, my poetry, and my cleaning habits! Oh, and I sometimes used my brain to think of a solution with what I got!” Dave exclaimed all cheery about the ways he's manage to save the day.

“Even though they are useless, they somehow miraculously work out?” Fang stated while her arms are folded to remark off, but admit that all this was true.

“Uhn-huhn!” Faffy chipped up to nod in full agreement on that part.

“The point, kid!” The MASK slide his arm around Woody's neck and spoke like a dealer or coach or spots model! “That no matter what folks say about you now or even if your NOT the one to Wield the KeyBlade, you're as much of a hero as any of us!” Those words alone could almost be the sounding words to cheer anyone who's lost their game sense to regain it back.

Then Stanley Ipkiss's imagine appeared next to the MASK and spoke out as well. “The MASK is right, Woody! Thanks to you for bring up my confidence that my world can be save, gave me the strength to put the Mask on and step in to help!” Without Woody's words to encourage this simple man, he never could have put a lot of fate in his friend to bring the power of the Mask to aid such a kind person.

“Yes! Though I still do most of the extreme work, without Stanley's williness to wear the Mask to become MEEEEEE!” The MASK exclaimed with putting his hands on his chest, to point out to himself before adding this. “I wouldn't have been any good to you, or help out in crazy situations! If anyone deserve an Oscar award for helping out a friend in need, IT'S YOU!” He pointed his index finger on Woody's beak at that last stuff he mention before stepping aside.

Dojo slithered next to Woody and spoke out in what he had to say. “If it weren't for you kid, my pals woulda been Xiaolin Stir-Fried! I almost gave up hope in thinking that I didn't have the strength to stand up to evil World Conquering Bullies like Chase Young, or Hannibal Bean! Jack Spicer doesn't count, he's more of an announce?" The dragon rethought that last foe as someone not so threatening before still continuing. "But the point is! You manage to bring courage and hope back into this little dragon!” Dojo happily patted his chest in saying without Woody's aid, he could not be where he is today.

“I really did?” Woody asked astound from hearing the good deeds he's done so far on his adventures?

“Wow!” The woodpecker kids exclaimed from hearing this good news from the summons group helping their uncle out.

“And who needs the KeyBlade, anyway?" Max waved off in thinking that Woody doesn't need something like that. "Sure the key to your fate is gone, along with the key to your success, the key to your victory, the key to saving the worlds and restoring order...” But boy, did this hyper-active maniac rabbit go a little too far and too deep, especially with all the 'key' puns.

“Max! All that stuff your saying will only depress Woody further!” Sam exclaimed with a hint of anger at what his rabbit pal is doing is not being much help at all.

“Hey, I'm just pointing out all the faults after losing his best weapon!” Max stated off, Woody was on the urge of looking down in depression when Max said something that got him out of it! “But that stuff shouldn't stop you, for most folks, it be the End of the World, but we've lived through that already!” The little rabbit actually made an interesting subject on that statement?

“How true that is!” Sam nodded in finding that was so true that the copper duo know it. “But in a way, Max does have a point Woody, it's not like your any different when you don't have the thing or when you do?” The K-9 detective pointed out that even without the KeyBlade, is Woody any less different then who he's always been?

“Right, even if My presidential power and aggression to use violence as I see fit were to be striped from me, I still have some fun with the power and aggression over others just like I always do!” Max boasted out about if he ever lost such a tie to having such power, at least he be himself in how he would still have handled such a thing.

“But won't you guys miss having that stuff?” Knothead question the two Freelance coppers about missing doing such things?

“Sure we well? but even still, we've still have each other to make our lives a happy bunch!” Sam simply putted to the little woodpecker child that he and Max still have each other to make their lives something else.

“You do, why's that?” Splinter asked a question in what this K-9 detective meant by such a statement?

“Like it our not, we take advantage of anything around that makes it wide!” Max simply stated about liking to go wide with anything they got, especially something dangerous yet fun for the Freelance Police!

“Not to mention, helps us out of the capper! From outer space beings, to horror creatures in scary movies, to the devil himself! Literally I may add!” Sam exclaimed all the stuff the Freelance Police have done, all and all, they did the impossible with what they got and how to make it happen!

“Wow guys, for a destructive bunch of detectives, you really can pull off impossible feat?” Woody commented on the two Freelance cops on such a busy time they got.

“And to think, if you havn't found us in that Meteor Monster's Stomach and given us the salvation of enjoying the life of freedom again, we be Meteor...” Max was starting to trail off the impossible odds of what the outcome would have been, but….

“MAX!” Sam snapped at his partner before he was going to finish that sentence and stated. “You can't say something that bad in front of children! We may end up being rate by the Author's complaining fans!” Sam was setting towards Woody, Knothead, Splinter, and even Fang even what his partner was going to say next was too inappropriate at this moment

“Relax Sam, I was going for Meteor Wast Disposal!” Max exclaimed what he was really going to say and not what his partner thought he was going to use.

“Ohh, well in that case, carry on?” Sam got the point and shrugged of the feeling in seeing no harm done now.

Bonkers stood next to Woody and said something to his friend. “You may think that you'll never get over this, but that's not true! Even if the spirit is broken, it can be fixed up!” The toon bobcat proclaimed out that even if one's spirit for fighting is broken, it's not the end.

“Would that be with some, tape, glue, and cement, Bonkers?” Fallapart asked while showing each "said" item in case they had to fix something broken?

The Bobcat shrugged the feeling before saying this stuff out. “Well maybe, but it can heal, with the right medicine, and that's with friends!” Bonkers exclaimed his point dramatically that with one's friends, they can help liven up any depressed spirit.

That's when the StoryTeller from Dave's world spoke up from seeing the encouraging words of the summons help Woody in his hour of need. “Yes! Woody was feeling these new feelings thanks to his friends words of compassion! Through his adventure in traveling, he's done great good, and made many friends. Even in his darkest hour, there are still friends still besides him! Including in this StoryTeller's favor, of course!” The Storyteller proclaimed that even in any situation, Woody has had helped from friends supporting him even from such a distance.

Woody heard that and turn towards looking at the screen and said to the StoryTeller in particular. “You really mean that?” He wanted to know that even a narrator type guy meant every bit of what was said.

“In every word of it, if I could, I would rewrite this story right now! But….from under budge cuts, I can only help improvise the situation that is unfolding?” The StoryTeller exclaimed that he could try to change the outcome of this event, but that is belong his control, sad but true.

“It's alright, it's nice to know that you care to!” Woody complemented the StoryTeller for his good action of cheering the woodpecker up.

“You know, there are more fabulous weapons out there that will be right for you! I mean, there's more then one KeyBlade, isn't there?” Candy pointed out suddenly about Woody possibly finding another weapon, maybe one like the KeyBlade he lost or something close.

“Say what now?” Woody asked, slightly confused by this manner of more then one keyblade talk?

Oswidge step up to talk to Woody next about the subject. “Candy's right! If you've forgotten, each world had a keychain for the KeyBlade? So that may mean that there's a different KeyBlade out there you'll just have to replace?” The old wizard shrug off his shoulders in thinking the possibilities were about close to being right, right?

“Well I guess, but it just wouldn't feel right without the Keyblade that I've held?” Woody said slowly, feeling a bit down now from remembering of his loss of the weapon he got from long ago?

“Come on, don't be looking down now!” Fang tried cheering Woody up with a simple pat on the back routine.

“In these times, the one with the most wins? But that never stop 'some people' from doing stupid things!” Lula added with a smile towards Woody about even many warriors have done the craziest things, when they thought all was lost.

It seemed like the summons cheering Woody up was almost working when they heard something. "GRrruahh-HURraaugh….." It sounded like a painful grunt. In all the calamity, they had completely forgotten the green giant lying on the ground. He had dragged himself up to his feet, but fell to his knees after the first step, clutching his waist. Then to add more shock, the green giant was shrinking, he was changing back into the man he was before, only now he only wore his purple ripped up trouser pants? And he was still trying to move under his own power?

“Hey mister, don’t move.” Splinter warned out, as she and Knothead ran over to man in trouble.

“Yeah! You’re badly hurt.” Knothead warned as well that this normal person of the Hulk was not in the best of shapes?

It was long before Dave came over and helped the wounded man back on his feet with him laying his shoulder around Dave's neck.

“Yeah, we saw the whole thing, even from inside the Stones!” Dave stated on watching the battle this man did as the Hulk before saying in a calming and yet worry tone. “You should rest up, with those injuries, even I would have a hard time moving?” The barbarian warrior knew that such pain inflicting things would even make him be unable to move right.

Then the MASK spin change into a blonde hair woman wearing a nurses outfit and holding a thermometer and said in a nurses tone. “Say "ahh", and then will take your temperature!” The nurse with the green faced tried to do so, but wounded man in question just….laugh it off?

“Heh, it’s nothing I can’t handle.” The man said with a pained grin he tried to show on his face. “Grrrgh, I've felt worst, but tell me! Why are you guys here anyway?” The man was still feeling a bit in pain, but wondered something, what was Woody's group of woodpecker kids and summons doing in this area?

“We’re here to save someone.” Woody said the truth of his mission before he remembered about what happen and became depress again. “At least, we thought we were?” He knew that after what just took place, he started to feel somewhat in doubt all over again?

“Ohh, poor Uncle Woody!” The woodpecker kids groan from seeing there uncle unhappy by what happen earlier, and they were finally starting to cheer him up too?

“So you're just going to give up that easily?” The man scoffed off in hearing what Woody was doing. “I may not have the strength in this body, but at less my will's stronger to hold myself strong, ga-ha, unlike your will.” He tried to not laugh in seeing that even in this state, he has more will then the fallen woodpecker does.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Woody growled from what was said about him before he snapped back at the still weaken guy on Dave's shoulders. “What am I supposed to do? I can’t fight the Heartless without the Keyblade?” Even Woody knows that without the KeyBlade, how can he defeat the Heartless now?

“Kuhn! Yeah, right.” The man said sarcastically, as if finding that quote to be funny some how? “That’s like saying I couldn’t fight without my other self. I learned one thing and it's sometimes good to have two things, both strength and brains are like two half's on the same coin. It isn’t your power that makes you strong; it’s the strength of your heart.” The weaken man stated that it's not just having brains or even brawl to help win battles, it's also from one's heart too give it their all.

“That’s exactly what you said before, Uncle Woody.” Splinter said to her uncle in reminding him of his once spoken words.

“Hey, they're right! You DID Say that before?” The MASK spin change back into his old outfit and exclaimed in joy on remembering such a thing happening before with Woody.

“I remember something about that you said that to a certain someone who wasn't paying attention?” Dojo stated over towards Woody, as he too remember such a thing happening in the past.

“It may sound corny and all, but that's something even I couldn't out do!” Max admitted to the group that what Woody said was something even he couldn't find words to express it.

“Even more so then the time you had Earth develop the rubbing your feet on carpet's to develop an electric static feeling to zap only those you don't trust?” Sam quoted with a stern face on another one of Max's crazy ideas that happened a while back in their own home world.

“It's close Sam, but it's still light years away from the real reason of this subject!” Max claimed of what he knows is the closer achievement, even if it's not his own, it's still fine.

“You crack me up, little buddy!” Sam shook his head from both sides, but he agree none the less with what his partner stated.

“It's just as when we said about believing in one's self, right Fallapart!” Bonkers exclaimed in reminding Woody on what he and Fallapart once did with their adventure.

“Oh definitely, I remembered...!” Fallapart was about to say when he stopped and then asked something silly!  “Wait! Was it about believing we can be toon stars, or the ability to fly? Awww, I forgot which?” And yet, as usual, this toon rabbit always had his head in the clouds or mind not in the right place?

“So Uncle Woody, do you remember saying it before?” Knothead asked if his uncle truly remember such a thing that was related to what everyone else was saying.

Under all those new thoughts racing in Woody's head, he put all of them together, and he came to a conclusion. That they were right, about what he said in the past, he had said that before. He had told everyone that as long as he had his friends, he could never fail. Why should that change because he doesn’t have the KeyBlade? He still had his niece and nephew, Splinter and Knothead to support him in his time of need. And he even had help from his summoning friends: The MASK, Dojo, Sam and Max, Dave the Barbarian and his entire family along with a pet dragon, an enchanted sword, and the StoryTeller! Even he's friends still back on the ship! There was even a chance for the ones that left him? He walked over and picked up the toy sword that Jet dropped.

“That’s right; I am here to find someone.” Woody said proudly with the face of determination to his group. “And as long as I have my niece and nephew with me along with all my summon pals, not even Jet, or the rest of the Babylon Rogues can stop me.” The proud woodpecker declared out the statement that as long as he has those surrounding him, he's never alone.

“And you have me, too.” The man said with a small grin across his face in hearing Woody's renown determination. “My name is Doctor Bruce Banner, a scientist in Radiation of Gamma Ways.” The man introduced himself to the team as Bruce, the same person that changed into a green giant earlier.

“I have no idea what a Gamma Ray is? But welcome aboard, Doc Banner.” Woody said in seeing that with another added friend on the team, things started looking up now.

Woody held out his hand and Bruce Banner grabbed it to shake after standing up on his own after Dave's help in holding him up by his shoulders. “Please, call me Bruce!” The man named Bruce Banner asked of the woodpecker. A new friendship formed; Woody and his new team chased after Jet and his crew, and the traitorous Looney Tunes (or so they all think?).


They reached the top level of the upward waterfall, but found that the path had ended. They searched around, hoping to find some kind of switch. It wasn’t until Bonkers and Fallapart stepped up to the arch that they noticed a golden platform from out of nowhere.

“Wow! That was convenient?” Bonkers said surprised by what he and Fallapart had just discovered?

“Yeah, or was in too easy or too out of place?” Fallapart asked a bunch of outward questions that puzzled the subject?

“Hey guys, we found something!” Bonkers called out to his pals, as everyone noticed the golden platform!

They stepped onto the platform, which carried them towards the castle. Bruce looked at his wound, which were healing at an alarming rate, as the bruises were vanishing from site.

“Whoa, how’d ya do that?” Splinter asked excitedly in seeing Mr. Banner's body healing at a good paste.

“That was amazing!” Knothead said in amazement that they've not seen healing that fast except with recovery potions and other healing magic stuff?

“I' say, the only ones that heal that fast are toons! Like ME, and...the bobcat and the falling apart rabbit!” The MASK exclaimed from noticing this and explained of how it works best with.

Dojo was rubbing his left claw under his chin, in thought before he was speaking up. “What I don't get, is how did you actually do it? That doesn't look too magical, or even cartoony in this case?” Dojo mention that last part to you viewers watching this, since from all the experience he's sen, this was far different in Bruce Banner's case?

“I not sure why, but I think I can trust you?” Bruce said with a little sign of relief, taking a jacket that MASK gave him out of nowhere from inside his coat pocket's to replace his ripe apart lab-coat from earlier that got destroyed. “When I was working on the readouts on Gamma Rays, someone was outside during a dangerous experiment, I was the only one to rush out to help get him to safety in the bomb shelter's we had." Then the man stopped for a brief moment, as what came next would really be surprising to the group. "But while he got in, I didn't and when the explosion of the Gama Ray's radiation occurred, it infected my blood stream, changing my DNA into something else." The group was very interested in hearing this, as Bruce continued his story. "I found out about the effects, they change me into something else when I lose my temper and I change into a creature that has strength that not even the military can match! I became the green giant known as, the Hulk and ever since then, I have been treated like the monster itself." This surprised the gang a lot on who that other side of Bruce was, as the man looked grim of sorrow on the next thing he said. "The Military tried to hunt me down and went to great risk to capture the Hulk, I was alone most of the time, and I couldn't stay long with people that just got to known me.” To many, it was sounding like a sad life, to always be hunted, just from being seen as a beast.

“Oh My Gosh! That’s terrible.” Dave gasped from hearing this tale, it was so sad for one to live a life.

“Wowh! If I know anything, it's that living for 15-hundred years, you start to miss some of the folks that arn't cover in long life expansions?” Dojo stated after rubbing his head with his right claw in thinking deep about things he's missed for so long.

“I would say something, but I would just ruin the mood?” Max simply stated a surprisingly good response of maturity.

“From our track record of being lone wolves, but still like hanging with our pals is definitely something out of whack that we've experience, Max!” Sam stated the problem to his partner of what the copper duo have got.

“It was for a while.” Bruce said before he was smiling in thinking about something…happy. “But there were still some people that accepted me, even the Hulk. My friend Rick was the one I saved from my fate, and he's tried to help me whenever he could. My cousin, Jennifer is a lawyer, and she too wants to help me out! Then there was someone who both I and the Hulk care for very much, Betty.” The last person mentioned was sounding like someone Bruce cared for a lot.

“You were talking about her earlier.” Woody said with a questionable raised eye. “Is she special to you?” The woodpecker might have known the answer, but asked all the same.

“I smell love between this conversation!” The MASK pronounce before changing to a Roman outfit figure with heart shaped arrows in his left hand. and a bow in his right! “To say thy maiden's name, is enough to say that that thou are are in love!” He spoke a bit William Shakespeare in that dialogue, but he was close to being right.

“Wowh, he must be a genius to know all that stuff?” Fallapart admitted the mask character's actions were on the dot! At less he thought it was?

“To tell you the truth, she is special and I do love her.” Bruce exclaimed in joy before it turn into sourer. “But as of know, I try so much to make us have a happy, normal life, but I give up being normal…if it meant I would save her.” The man spoke with a deep and honest truth in what he would do to save Betty.

Now Woody was truly amazed by all of that. He would be willing to give away his normal life to make sure the one he loved was happy. He may posses a great beast inside of him, but his heart was the purest of anyone’s around. Probable that both of them had pure hearts? It was a wonder why the KeyBlade didn’t choose him as its master. But before he even had a chance to voice his thoughts, the platform had stopped. The gang stepped off the platform, which disappeared a moment later. They found themselves face with a gigantic bronze door that served as the entrance of the castle.

“Can it really be that easy?” Woody questioned suspiciously, no way it was this easy to get into the major villain's hideout?

“Ten to one says it's not!” Lula stated in a not caring voice in obviously saying it's a trap.

“And I say ten to four is as old as Four score and seven years ago!” Max declared out in stating some Abe Lincoln speech statement.

“Max, that was Abe Lincoln's speech!” Sam stated in reminding his partner that what he used was their late president.

“Oh yeah!” Max said from realizing his error of what he used was mistaken.

“My crystal ball will tell us what we want to know!” Oswidge declared out, as he get's his crystal ball out, but it's getting static interference! “Darn, it's picking up to much static interfere or this place is too much in gloomy-ville!” The old wizard exclaimed from having some difficulty while stating some oddball of a cause?

“It doesn't matter what we go with?” Bruce said in determination to the rest of the group. “We got to catch up to that guy and help saving Betty and any others that are still trapped inside!” The man knew he had to find his love that was taken, and also any others that were taken by the villains plot.


But in all the excitement and new determination, Bruce failed to notice the moving shadows under his feet. A moment later, twelve to nearly forty Neo Shadows formed a wall to stop the scientist. One swiped its claw at him, but Bruce was suddenly pulled back thanks to Bonkers, Fallaparts, and the MASK's stretchy arms that helped pulled him out of harms way and back in rank with the others.

“That was a close one.” Bruce stated with a sign of relief, almost cutting that a bit close.

“Next time, do us a favor and LOOK, before you leap.” Dojo scowled from the side before transforming into his chinese dragon form.

The Heartless jumped and the heroes scattered. Each of them took three. Woody tried to fend them off with his wooden sword, but the plank hardly did any damage.

“I really wish I had the KeyBlade right about now!” Woody panicked in seeing that all his hitting was no making a dent of damage to even these common enemies.

Just as they were about to chase Woody, the MASK spinned up next to them dress like a little boy wearing blue shorts, yellow and black stripe short sleeve shirt, a little red cap with a propeller on top! “I'm playing a pirate! Un-guard!” He spoke in a kiddy voice while pulling out a wooden toy sword like Woody's was? The Heartless, if they had mouths would be laughing, but while they were distracted by this, the MASK swapped that toy sword for a large oak tree and slammed it down on them! "CLUMPVVhhmmm……" He laughed and teased at them Heartless in having the last laugh. “Hah, that'll teach you to respect mother nature's wooden tree logs!” The kiddy MASK pointed out that even the enemies can't underestimate someone with a piece of wood.

Dojo flew in front of his three foes, they snarled at him, as he rubbed his chest and said plainly! “Ohh, so you wanna play at that game, well two can bet that, or three since there's three of you!” Dojo took a deep breath and released a mighty roar while blasting the three Neo Shadows with his flames! “ROAARHHHHhhhhh!/Thuwwwwwhhhhhhh!” By the time he was done, nothing was left but smoking remains! “Yep, still got the hot's for it!” He said to himself, but was also letting you folks at home known it too.

“Eat rock candy and soda, dirtbags!” Max taunted the Neo Shadows, as he and Sam were blasting their heavy packs of Pop Rock Candy mixed with Soda bazooka and gatling machine gun at the targets.

“BOOM! BOOMB! BOOM! BAM! BOOOOOOOOOOMhhhhh!” Let's say the Freelance Police were doing there job a little TOO Well?

“Boy Max, if we're this pushy, I can't wait to see what these baby's will do next?” Sam commented in seeing how much destruction they caused, and that was only the minimum amount too.

“Me too Sam, especially if it means more thrashing on those we hate or just don't like very much!” Max stated his point of reason on how the two would do with these powerful weapons next time in a more serious fight.

“I couldn't have said it any other way!” Sam agreed while blasting a pop rock candy mixed soda bazooka towards another batch of Shadow Neos, as they got blasted into next week!

Now with Bonkers and Fallapart's battle that was progressing!

Fallapart was trying to figure out how to work his sun-gun, as he pointed it the other way and called out to his toon cop pal. “Hey Bonkers, how does it work again!?” The toon rabbit was forgetting how to make the weapon work right?

“Just aim and shot, Fallapart!” Bonkers stated to his toon pal while blasting three Neo Shadows in one shot!

“Gosh! Aim and fire, but I don't see anyone in front of me?” While Fallapart quoted on this question, three Neo Shadows were about to ponce on him, but since he had the sun-gun facing in there direction? "THRrussuvhhmmm…." He un-intensionally fired and turned them to dust particles of fading darkness! "What was that?" He turned around, saw the remains and asked them this? “Oh there you are, golly, what happen to you fellas?” He did not know that he was the one that did that to the enemies at that moment?

“Meanwhile our heroes, well I mean Dave the Barbarian and his family and not Woody's band of....Oh just see for yourself!” The StoryTeller introduced the next fight, but was getting off track before stating the audience to see for themselves.

“I squash You All! Bwahahahahaaaa!” Fang laugh out before jumping on each of the five Neo Shadow's in her path and after she was done, zapped them with her magical spear which completely vaporized them! “Now that was off the charts and brutally too!” Fang complimented herself at her work, smiling that it fit her style well.

“Now Candy faces a challenge relating to her martial art-skills and imperial judgement in the lines of fashion!” The StoryTeller exclaimed Candy's situation against five Neo Shadows that had surrounded her.

“As if the so called 'all black' move would take effect, that is soooooo, last century!” Candy exclaimed dryly at her foes, but then when one of the Neo Shadows tried to attack, she grabbed one, tossed it at the other one! "Hiiiyah! WAaaahhh-HIYAAAH!" Then grabbed the one sneaking up behind her, spin it around and tossed the spinning heartless at the other two which made them fall against the already ground Heartless! “Don't Mess with the Princess!” Candy stated in her martial arts stance before getting her magic shield and blasting the grounded group of Neo Shadows out of existence! She examine herself from a handle mirror she brought with her and said from seeing her reflection. “Hmm, not bad? And nothing out of place, no cuts, no mud, AND No out of Fashion taste except for the crown, all's well!” The girl was checking to make sure she was, in the teen's slang world use, in perfect style, and without a hair out of place.

“Meanwhile again, Oswidge does his magic to stop three Neo Shadows! Let's hope it's something spectacular and not something that won't be?” The StoryTeller exclaimed what's going on along with what may or might happen in knowing the goof of a wizard.

“Brocow! Bonza-lipy! Brucostcus!” Oswidge cast spell after spell, but got mostly rubber chickens, a telephone, a pig, a fridge, etc., in other words, useless junk! But on the positive side, all that stuff falling above distracted most of the Neo Shadows so they weren't able to see some of the more dangerous falling stuff, it was long until they were buried under piles of Oswidge's cast spell items. “Now for my grand finally! Benzoyl Perozide!” At those powerful words, he fired a bright beam from his wand which made the stuff and the Heartless disappear without a trace! “And people thought that casting some useless junk wouldn't be an effect, let's see them 'Eat There Own Words' from what I've accomplish!” Oswidge stated to you viewers watching him while boasting his success in showing that he's got this no problem.

“Now that leave's us with Faffy doing....Uuugh?” The StoryTeller was unable to say something, as three Neo Shadows came upon Faffy, but the pet-dragon was chewing his own leg! "BURrrppvhmm/BRzizizizivhhmm….." The Heartless stared at this in confusion, but it didn't last long, as Faffy's burped a lightning bolt that zapped all of them, leaving nothing but black ashes as they fade away in the wind? “I guess Faffy has gotten the situation here under control, in his own strange...and very unusual way?” The StoryTeller exclaimed how the situation there was going while Faffy continue to chew his own leg for no reason!?

“David, use something a little more sophisticated!” We turn to see Lula nagged at Dave, as he runs around the blocks from his attacking Neo Shadows!

“Try telling THEM that!” Dave reply back in seeing the enemies trying to get him! Dave kept running until he was cornered by a wall of the castle! “Bajabbers!” Dave turned around to notice he was trapped, with some nasty foes approaching him in the most sickly and evil way possible, especially their creepy shadows looming the barbarian.

The StoryTeller soon spoke upon seeing Dave's trouble situation of being trapped in a corner while the Neo Shadows move in closer! “Yes! Dave seem to have been caught, like a rat in a trap, like a bird in a cage, like a fish in a net, a...?” Then a record player scratching noise is heard, as the StoryTeller get's cut off suddenly from stating the trapped barbarian.

“Okay! Okay! We've get it already?” Dave said to the StoryTeller, apparently he was the one who cut him off from his talking from hearing too many comments of being 'trapped' by used as puns here.

“Fine!...Any-who, Dave needs to think of a way out of this jam? But how?” The StoryTeller shrugged off the moment and tried to get back on track of the event happening here on how Dave the Barbarian can survive this situation.

“Wait that's it!” Dave stated with a smile, as a lit candle appeared above his head, meaning he had an idea!

“With that candle light over your head? It either means that you know how to defeat them, or how you're not going to be fighting them and instead try running away!” Lula nagged out of the sissy stuff Dave would do in his normal life and situations like these play out where he might get off without fighting?

“Simple!” Dave stated to Lula and then reached behind him to pull out....a jar container of JAM? “JAM!” Dave called out in declaring with a serious and determined face in what to do here.

“David! How is JAM going to get us outta this mess?” Lula snapped at Dave's foolish choice of weaponry to save them here?

“Like so, prepare to eat JAM, foul creatures!” Dave stated to Lula before shouting out at the Neo Shadows that are his foes. "Splasshhvhvmm…." Then with the lid off, Dave tossed the jam out of the jar and covering the enemies in it's jammy goodness! “Now on to plan B! Awoo! Awoo! Awoo!” Dave was suddenly putting his lips together to make more bird calls suddenly?

“Again with the birds! Honestly, why!?” Lula snapped again from Dave's ridiculous planning on whatever strategy he was planning with his talent of bird calling?

“Ohh, but this is a bird I saw before the enemy show up! I used the mating call of,…..The Jam Festering Peck-al Bird!” Dave explain to Lula with a smirk across his smile, as he wiggled his eyelashes up to signal to you folks watching this, that he had a plan of action here all along!

“ARRRRRKKKHhhhhh!” The Neo Shadows look up only to gasp, as a big purple colored feathered bird with a long duckbill beck and long tongue started to peck/chew/etc all over them? And let's say that it was not a picture to even allow you viewers to watch it? Believe me!

“Well, that was easy!” Dave said with a sign of relief, not knowing of a Neo Shadow that escaped tried to attack behind him? "THRrsusupvhmmm….." But Lula shot out of her sword handle and zapped the creep with her lightning magic, as it turned to dust! "Clipvhmm….." By the moment she came back in her sash, Dave felt something off? “Hey Lula, did something just happen?” The barbarian didn't know that Lula just saved him from an enemy attack?

“Not that I'm familiar with, why?” Lula replied without a care of thought on what just happen just now or care to explain it?

“Ohh, only wondering because of that destroyed Heartless remains that getting blown away by the winds?” Dave stated of the said Heartless dust remains being blown away, the cause by Lula's handy work.

“And so, our Barbarian heroes defeat they enemy just like that! But now we must attend to see how the others fare against the share of enemies?” The StoryTeller exclaimed that the battle from the Barbarians was settled before shifting the viewing screen towards a different area where another of our heroes are fighting right now.


Part 2, Part 3 Next...
At last, Woody & the Looney Tunes reach Hollow Bastion. There, they find Jet & the Babylon Rogues fighting against the Incredible Hulk...but the favor goes to the hawk, & then something happens with Woody's Keyblade. What shall happen next, stay tune to find out...
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